Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Worth the Cost

Everybody asks, "why does adoption cost so much?"

Its a great question. The short answer is, because its a ton of work that requires professional help.

I think while that is a good question, its the wrong question. My question to you is what is a life worth? What is a child worth? 19,000 dollars? What price tag would you put on a baby?

The point is every life is precious. These babies are priceless. You and I can not begin to understand their value. I have met so many people who say, oh we would love to adopt, but it cost so much. That is only true if you go for private adoption, the government will pay you to raise kids in the system, but there is a different kind of cost involved there. But think about that statement, it cost to much? I know what people mean, its cost a lot of money and most people cant afford it. But is adoption your idea or Gods. If God has put adoption on your heart, whats the hold up? How big is your God?

How about this; you are on a picnic table with God, his son Jesus and a young boy sitting across from you, your spouse, and the holy spirit. So you start talking about the weather and the normal superficial stuff we wast moments on, then God interrupts the small talk to introduce this young child. "He has a question for you" God says with a soft look on his face. So you turn you attention to this young man. "Why didn't you adopt me" he asks? "I am sure you are wonderful people but I just want to know what kept me from the love and safety of your home? You see, I would cry myself to sleep every night begging God to give me a mommy and daddy, and each morning I would wake with the hope of a family only cry myself to sleep again. What kept you from me?"

How would you answer that. What would your reason be? If God has yoked you with a burden for orphans, what keeps you from being the answer to their prayers?

God loves adoption. His true Son Jesus loves adoption as well. They have adopted countless orphans. If you are in God family let me ask you this, what was your price tag?

I am so thankful that God and His son thought we are worth the cost.

If you were on that picnic table what would that conversation look like? What question would God ask you about the orphans, or widows? How about your neighbors or your enemies. Or the sick, alien, imprisoned, the lost. Have you been close enough to the heart of God to have your heart break. Have you been yoked with a burden for others that boils the marrow in your bones?

If its Gods idea, just move. He will make a way. Every life is worth the cost. Just ask the Father and His Son.

Every life is worth it.

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