Monday, March 23, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Running Alone

The past two weekends I have had to run my long runs alone. The result of those agonizing hours of pounding the pavement confirmed a simple truth that I now better understand.

Life is meant to be lived in community.

We were made to journey with others. I know its simple, but it is too true to ignore. Everything is better when it's shared with others. I need my running buddies on those long run days, we pump each other up to conquer the distance, we encourage each other as were gasping for air climbing those killer hills, and we get to celebrate together at the finish line. Running is tough, long, hard, cold, painful, even boring after a few hours, but it is not nearly as miserable with friends running by your side. Yesterday confirmed this for me. After a few weeks of running alone Brett joined me for the first 12 1/2 miles of my 18 mile run, and it was great. We had some great conversation and before I knew it we were at 12 1/2 miles.

This principle is so awesome. God made us to tackle life together. That is why i am so excited about Team Silas, its not just Jen and I trying to come up with the money to make Silas ours, its a whole community of friends and family who have bought into the vision of adoption. Jen and I can not do this on our own and now we don't have too. And the story does not end when Silas is born and the fees are covered and the paper work is done. We know that so many of those on Team Silas will be a significant part of our sons development. I am so grateful for people who move when God whispers in their ear. I can't wait to tell my son how God brought him into our family through the generosity and love of a community "running" together.

I cant wait to celebrate at the finish line with our team.