Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Worth the Cost

Everybody asks, "why does adoption cost so much?"

Its a great question. The short answer is, because its a ton of work that requires professional help.

I think while that is a good question, its the wrong question. My question to you is what is a life worth? What is a child worth? 19,000 dollars? What price tag would you put on a baby?

The point is every life is precious. These babies are priceless. You and I can not begin to understand their value. I have met so many people who say, oh we would love to adopt, but it cost so much. That is only true if you go for private adoption, the government will pay you to raise kids in the system, but there is a different kind of cost involved there. But think about that statement, it cost to much? I know what people mean, its cost a lot of money and most people cant afford it. But is adoption your idea or Gods. If God has put adoption on your heart, whats the hold up? How big is your God?

How about this; you are on a picnic table with God, his son Jesus and a young boy sitting across from you, your spouse, and the holy spirit. So you start talking about the weather and the normal superficial stuff we wast moments on, then God interrupts the small talk to introduce this young child. "He has a question for you" God says with a soft look on his face. So you turn you attention to this young man. "Why didn't you adopt me" he asks? "I am sure you are wonderful people but I just want to know what kept me from the love and safety of your home? You see, I would cry myself to sleep every night begging God to give me a mommy and daddy, and each morning I would wake with the hope of a family only cry myself to sleep again. What kept you from me?"

How would you answer that. What would your reason be? If God has yoked you with a burden for orphans, what keeps you from being the answer to their prayers?

God loves adoption. His true Son Jesus loves adoption as well. They have adopted countless orphans. If you are in God family let me ask you this, what was your price tag?

I am so thankful that God and His son thought we are worth the cost.

If you were on that picnic table what would that conversation look like? What question would God ask you about the orphans, or widows? How about your neighbors or your enemies. Or the sick, alien, imprisoned, the lost. Have you been close enough to the heart of God to have your heart break. Have you been yoked with a burden for others that boils the marrow in your bones?

If its Gods idea, just move. He will make a way. Every life is worth the cost. Just ask the Father and His Son.

Every life is worth it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Monday morning I met my brother Seth and good friend Brett for our 20 mile long run. This was to be our longest run to date. We were a little nervous, not about the distance so much, but because we were all nursing bum body parts. Seth has barely been able to train for this race due to a bad ankle, Brett has been nursing a bum knee and I have felt like I have a nail in my heal. Regardless, we all showed up at 6:30 am on the North side to conquer 20, and...

...we did it! It was not pretty, but we finished. It was a good run. Seth and Brett ended the run with their bum parts feeling pretty normal, well, as normal as you can feel after running 20 miles. I hurt my bum foot by jumping over a median while dodging oncoming traffic at the first 2 mile marker, and that started some discomfort that kind of intensified as we continued to run. I was doing OK with the bum foot and I was able to ignore the pain since I was running with my bros and having good conversations and stuff. The nerves in my foot started yelling at my brain around 14 miles, that was no fun but then the nerves shut up for a while and I was happy until about 16 miles when those same nerves in my foot started cursing at my brain. Needless to say, they sent all kinds of nasty signals the last 4 miles causing my body to slow way down. But hey, I finished. My bros waited up for me despite my pitiful pace. It was a good day.

I also discovered that I have the bladder of a tiny child, which will be interesting come race day.

I am praying that my foot will be OK come race day. Its going to be difficult enough to complete this race as a 250 pound non runner so I would rather not have to limp the 26.2 miles. We will see. I am will cross that finish line one way or another. I think some times when we step out in faith and obedience we think OK God I am ding this "good thing, aren't you proud of me" and we expect the floodgates of blessing to be opened upon us, but instead we find ourselves trudging through the valley of the shadow saying "what the heck". That's when the good stuff happens, when your chest deep in the pains and sorrows of this broken world and all you can do is extend your hand up and cry out for help. That's when God moves in us and through us. That is when He can be glorified.

If my foots gets better, its because God is good and He has answered my cry, and if it does not it simply means He got a better idea. We will see.

Friday, April 10, 2009


We had been praying, planing, and preparing for months to welcome a little boy from Ohio into our home as our son. He was due to be born March 24th, he was induced March 25th, we waited and waited, and got a call late March 27th to find out that we would not be going to Ohio to meet our son. Needless to say we were bit bummed after months of anticipation, fundraising, marathon training, and all the fun adoption paperwork. He was born but he was not ours.

Thank God that he stayed in the arms of his mother. She could not bring herself to give him up even though she was not sure how she would make it. Her love for that boy shattered her fears of keeping him, he was born and he was wanted, that is how it is supposed to be. Baby's were knit with purpose and they are always wanted.

My wife and I are grateful for this experience of waiting, wanting and wondering what God is up to. We are thankful because we know that He is up to something wonderful and we are so honored to be a part of it.

We don't know who we are going to adopt, but we are still going to adopt. There are a lot of babies out there that need a loving home. So nothing has changed. I am still running the marathon, we are still fundraising, the fees are the same. Now we just wait for that baby who will be ours. We are excited.

God is good!

If you falter in times of trouble, how great is your strength! Proverbs 24:10