Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just a Training Update

So on Sunday I ran the longest I have ever run. It was a beautiful sunny day and I was with two of my best friends, my bro Seth and good friend Brett. We prayed for strength before the run and for protection over our bodies. Seth has not run since November because of a bad ankle and Brett has developed some significant knee pain and I am just fat, so you never know when something is going to break on me. Well our prayers were answered and we completed our long run. We were supposed to run 14 miles so we decided to run the second half of the Pittsburgh marathon course. It was good to see where we would be running come race day. We did however take a little detour that tacked on a little over an extra mile on to our long run, so needless to say we wear a little sore. Before Sunday our longest run was 12 miles, and we were jumping up to 14 but we accidentally ran over 15. The good news is we burnt over 2,000 calories and we all feel pretty good, our bodies are holding up. It was a good day.

So as of right now team Silas has three runners.


If you would be interested in joining the running team let me know. We run real slow. The goal is to complete the race.

If you want to Join Team Silas and help in other ways just email me at

Thursday, February 12, 2009

One Layer Running

65 degrees! I love it!

I have been running in single digits for so long, this week has been awesome! I went out for my mid week run yesterday and ran 8 miles, it was wonderful. The sun was out, the wind was blowing and I was in shorts. I felt like I could run forever. It was nice to be free from the weight of the layers I usually have to wear. Its amazing what a little warm breeze and some sun on your face can do for the soul after months of winter and ice.

I think most of us live in the sun and we don't even realize it. I don't mean the literal sun of course, not here in beautiful western Pa anyway. What I mean is most of us live in a mild climate when it comes to the hardships of life. Now I know that life has its seasons and we all experience sunless seasons of ice and dark, but for most of us they are just that, seasons. Have you ever met a child who has only known winter? Could you imagine a sunless, warmthless, greenless season? I have met a few kids like that. Their life is so dark and so cold that they pile on all these layers just to survive. Its hard to live, and move, and enjoy when you are all layered up. Its fun to bundle up for a short time and hit a killer sledding hill or build an igloo, but we always rush back inside to a warm fire and hot coco. Unfortunately there are some who have no fire to thaw their hands, no coco to warm their belly, and no one to peel off the icy layers, and offer a body warm embrace.

I have seen kids come in from a life of cold, slowly peel off the layers and run in the warm rays of love. It is a righteous site to see the winter leave there eyes as they experience an unconditional warmth. NO child should be left to weather life alone, not even one. I have the power to end a winter, I just have to open my door, make some coco, and love as I have been loved.

Its still February, and the could will return, next time the wind stings your face be thankful that it is only a season, and then ask God for the chance to be the summer in someones life.
Remember, Love Moves.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Running for a new baby boy.

Jada is excited to get a new baby boy. Every time I get my running garb on she asks if I am going to bring the new baby home from my run. I tell her that I am running so that we can get a new baby in a few months, of course she does not understand the whole running to raise money process, but its awesome to see her excitement for Silas every day before my run, talk about motivation. Silas is going to have two amazing big sisters to love on him and welcome him into our home. I love my family!