Monday, January 26, 2009

11 Mile Long Run

Before training for this marathon the longest distance I had ever run in a race was the one 5-k I ran. A 5-k is like three point something miles. It was quite a feat for my husky self and one that I was quite proud of. I am still rather large and soft in the middle but my miles have gone up in a short amount of time. I am proud to announce that yesterday I completed 11 miles for my long run. I had never run a double digit distance and I am excited to say the least. It was a pretty good run, I felt good for most of it. When I started all this a while back, the idea of a 5-k was so intimidating, now my short runs are never shorter than 4 miles. In the beginning I had to start somewhere, I had to get off my but and just move.
As I was running with my running buddy (Brett) yesterday we were talking about how life is like a marathon. I believe that God give us big dreams and a desire to do great things, but He does not zap us with super Jesus powers to accomplish His work. Why, because life, it is just that, WORK. The people I admire are not supper Christians with special Jesus juice, they are marathoners and when I hear their stories I realize that there was a big crazy dream that was a result of a burden they could not shake. So in response to their burden and impassioned with a wild dream, they would begin to move, and soon, with completion of each "mile" and the stretching of their faith, they would see God provide, and they would feel His fire in their bones fueling them to live and love and move like no one else. I am not going to wake up one day suddenly the man I want to be, I have to put one foot in front of the other, even when it hurts, I just got to move.
This adoption is a dream for Jen and I. If we had our way there would be no orphans, there would be no foster care system. It sounds crazy, and impossible, which is what excites me. So our first step is this adoption, this marathon, and we will keep moving, will you move with us?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Love Moves

As I have drawn near my Father in heaven He has ever so slowly and gently opened my eyes to some things that break his heart. I have been allowed to see a glimpse of what grieves the heart of my Savior and God. My teaching pastor says that "vision is fueled by burden" and God has shared one of his burdens with me. For years now I have been wrestling with this burden and asking what do I do with it. The issue is so big.

It is estimated that there are over 140 million orphans in the world.

There are 135 thousand orphans in America.

That is a big burden.

But wait...

There are over 300 thousand churches in America.

Perhaps that is the number that breaks Gods heart the most, not the 135 thousand hoping and praying for God to give them a family but rather the 300 thousand churches full of Jesus followers that are unaware or perhaps unwilling to respond to the need and the hearts cry of these helpless little ones. Gods heart for the orphan is clear. Read James 1:27

I have heard God saying one thing to me over the past few years in light of this burden we share. He says "Matto, just move. I have broken your heart with the things that break my heart and I just want you to move. Move while your heart is still soft and while your eyes are still wet, just move. You don't need to know the plan, you don't need a map, you just need to respond by moving. My love always moves when there is a need. They will know your are mine by how you move. I am love, perfect and pure and love always moves. "

I am reminded that Jesus moved from a throne in heaven to a manger, from a manger to the aid of sick, the lost and the unwanted. My God moved His broken body up a hill to be tortured and then to die. My God moved out from the perfect presence of His father so that I could one day know the eternal warmth of His gaze. His love moved to free me. He moved to adopt me. How will I respond?

Jen and I have a indescribable love and passion for the fatherless children in this world. We don't know what the futures holds, but want all orphans to know the love of our perfect heavenly father. We are His body, He is love, and Love Moves, so Jen and I are moving too.

Has God broken your heart with something that breaks His? Will you move?